Monday, January 21, 2013


What an exciting week it was!  The kindergartners loved bringing their bears to school and being able to hug them as they worked throughout the week.  They sorted and counted Gummy Bears and made a graph to show how many they had.  They heard and read bear stories and donned their bear ears on Friday as they enjoyed a bear picnic and parade.  Their bear carts showed a lot of work and creativity; so thanks, parents, for all of your help.  It was so much fun! 

Mrs. Critchlow came to our class on Monday for a lesson on integrity, our character word of the month.  In addition to that, we had a character assembly on Friday and met with our buddy class for a lesson and activity on integrity.

The students continue to be excited about Guided Reading and The Daily Five (literacy centers) and are showing progress and independence each day. 

Friday is the 100th Day of School and we will be celebrating again.  It promises to be educational.  Please check your child's purple folder for details.

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