Saturday, January 12, 2013


We will have our Character Assembly on Friday and meet with our Buddy Class for a lesson on Integrity.
We always look forward to A Week when Mrs. Critchlow visits our class.
This week is Bear Week and the kindergartners can't stop talking about all of the fun they're going to have with their bears all week.  Don't forget to send them on Monday!  We have bear activities and lessons planned for the week in addition to the Bear Picnic and Parade on Friday.  Hopefully, you saw the note in your child's purple folder about making a bear cart for the parade on Friday.  The easiest way is to use a cardboard box and turn it into something that resembles a vehicle.  Be sure to put a rope on it so your child can pull it in the parade.
On Friday, January 25, we will celebrate the 100th Day of School (providing we don't have a snow day before then) with lessons and activities related to 100.  More information will come later in a note.

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