Sunday, January 27, 2013


Do you recognize your little darlings behind those 100th day glasses?


Beginning with a fashion show of 100 day shirts and a tour of 100 day posters in our hallway, we celebrated the 100th day of school on Friday.  Thanks, parents, for your help and creativity on this project.  We had so much fun!  The kindergartners counted to 100 by ones, fives, and tens and connected dots to 100.  They decorated 100 day glasses, made a yummy necklace with 100 Fruit Loops ( did 100 pieces make it home?), did 100 exercises, listened to a story about the 100th day of school, wrote 100 words, learned a 100 day song, and still managed to fit in Guided Reading.  WHAT A DAY!

Monday, January 21, 2013


What an exciting week it was!  The kindergartners loved bringing their bears to school and being able to hug them as they worked throughout the week.  They sorted and counted Gummy Bears and made a graph to show how many they had.  They heard and read bear stories and donned their bear ears on Friday as they enjoyed a bear picnic and parade.  Their bear carts showed a lot of work and creativity; so thanks, parents, for all of your help.  It was so much fun! 

Mrs. Critchlow came to our class on Monday for a lesson on integrity, our character word of the month.  In addition to that, we had a character assembly on Friday and met with our buddy class for a lesson and activity on integrity.

The students continue to be excited about Guided Reading and The Daily Five (literacy centers) and are showing progress and independence each day. 

Friday is the 100th Day of School and we will be celebrating again.  It promises to be educational.  Please check your child's purple folder for details.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Even if they're in the middle of the day, pajama parties are so much fun!  The room was filled with blankets, favorite stuffed animals, and bedtime snacks.  The kindergartners enjoyed reading bedtime stories by flashlight with their friends.  Who wants to sleep with all of this fun taking place? They managed to get all of their gear back into their brown bags and ready for dismissal.


We will have our Character Assembly on Friday and meet with our Buddy Class for a lesson on Integrity.
We always look forward to A Week when Mrs. Critchlow visits our class.
This week is Bear Week and the kindergartners can't stop talking about all of the fun they're going to have with their bears all week.  Don't forget to send them on Monday!  We have bear activities and lessons planned for the week in addition to the Bear Picnic and Parade on Friday.  Hopefully, you saw the note in your child's purple folder about making a bear cart for the parade on Friday.  The easiest way is to use a cardboard box and turn it into something that resembles a vehicle.  Be sure to put a rope on it so your child can pull it in the parade.
On Friday, January 25, we will celebrate the 100th Day of School (providing we don't have a snow day before then) with lessons and activities related to 100.  More information will come later in a note.


My students are soooo excited about our new reading program.  When they come into the classroom in the morning they check out The Daily 5 door to see what literacy activity they will be working on that day.  They are working with a partner, practicing how to be independent learners, and sharing their work with their classmates at meeting time.  Reading groups are going well and it is really exciting to see how they are putting the skills we have been working on since the beginning of the year into practice.