Saturday, April 27, 2013


It was a great day for the Earth in kindergarten.  The class had loads of good ideas about how they can take care of the planet and shared them on Monday.  They made their Save The Earth books and decorated the covers. 

We are working hard on learning poems to recite at our Grandparent's Day program. We are also practicing songs in music that we will be singing at this very important event.

The kindergartners are doing very well learning subtraction.  Everyday we have a hands-on or acting-out activity followed by a worksheet.

They are loving their weekly library storytime and checking out books.

They are writing in their journals and practicing writing their numerals to 31.

Guided reading and The Daily Five are going well.  Each morning they are eager to know what learning activity they will be doing for that day.

The kindergartners are such good artists and have been demonstrating their talents in drawing their grandparents on special cards.  They are really cute!

Remember to dress them up for the big event.

If there is a mom available, I could use someone to set up the cookie table while the performance is taking place.

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