Saturday, April 27, 2013


It was a great day for the Earth in kindergarten.  The class had loads of good ideas about how they can take care of the planet and shared them on Monday.  They made their Save The Earth books and decorated the covers. 

We are working hard on learning poems to recite at our Grandparent's Day program. We are also practicing songs in music that we will be singing at this very important event.

The kindergartners are doing very well learning subtraction.  Everyday we have a hands-on or acting-out activity followed by a worksheet.

They are loving their weekly library storytime and checking out books.

They are writing in their journals and practicing writing their numerals to 31.

Guided reading and The Daily Five are going well.  Each morning they are eager to know what learning activity they will be doing for that day.

The kindergartners are such good artists and have been demonstrating their talents in drawing their grandparents on special cards.  They are really cute!

Remember to dress them up for the big event.

If there is a mom available, I could use someone to set up the cookie table while the performance is taking place.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


The kindergartners couldn't wait to attend the Second Grade Circus.  And I have to say that their behavior was exemplary!  Later on they wrote about their favorite acts and drew pictures of them in their journals.

On Monday they delivered buddy bags to their third grade buddies to let them know that they would be thinking of them as they take the MAP Test.  In the bags were hand-written notes wishing them well.

We will be observing Earth Day tomorrow but we had a headstart last week as we began reading and learning about it.  We also started the cover of our very own Save The Earth book we will be working on tomorrow.

The kindergartners always look forward to Fridays when they can check out books and listen to Mrs. Graef read to them.

We will be finishing up the letter of the day on Tuesday and then focus on working in our journals. 

We finished our math unit on addition and will begin subtracting numbers this week.

Mrs. Critchlow will visit us tomorrow. 

Wednesday is an Early Release Day.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


On Monday we started our unit on fire safety.  The very busy kindergartners know how to get out of a burning building safely, what to do if their clothes catch on fire, and how important a meeting place is for the family.  On Tuesday we wrote in our journals about fire safety.  On Wednesday we made Good Luck Goodie Bags for our third grade buddies who will be taking very important tests this coming week. On Thursday we wrote Happy Librarian's Day cards to Mrs. Graef.  On Friday we went on a field trip to the firehouse, learned a fireman song, made a fireman puppet, made cards for Mrs. House on her birthday, and attended our Fredbird assembly. Every day this week we worked hard on adding numbers.   IT WAS A VERY BUSY WEEK!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Your children came back to school after spring break with more energy and new enthusiasm!  Spring break was really a time for renewal and new happenings.  We are starting addition, have a new character word, planted seeds for a new garden, have storytime with Mrs. Graef every Friday, and are making bags for our buddies to wish them well during their testing.

We are adding numbers using manipulatives.

We wrote in our journals about how we as kindergartners can be of service (our character word of the month) at home and at school.  Have you noticed any volunteerism at home?

Mr. Loos has organized a garden-to-be and the kindergartners planted marigold seeds, with the help of volunteers, in the courtyard.  They are growing on our window ledge and will be planted before school is out.

For our transportation unit the kindergartners wrote about a favorite vehicle in their journals.  They are using their sight words and inventive and conventional spelling.

We are decorating goodie bags for our buddy class to let them know that we will be thinking of them during their testing period. 

For our fourth quarter library time we are very excited that we will not only be able to check out books, but will also have storytime with Mrs. Graef.

The students came back from spring break very excited to tell where they went and what they did.  They wrote in their journals and then shared their experiences with the class.