Sunday, December 16, 2012


Our school counselor visited our class this week.  We talked about random acts of kindness, what it is, and how we can implement that into our daily lives.  We are working on doing it in our classroom.  On Friday a student carried another's backpack to the bus for him because it was too heavy for the student to carry with all of his other gear.  What a nice act of kindness that was!

It's hard to stay focused at this time of year.  We are doing some breathing exercises to help us relax and stay focused. 

The students have been working hard on their second quarter testing.  We are finished except for a few makeup tests.

We are preparing for the next quarter when we will be having Guided Reading and Literacy Centers.  We will be working on The Daily Five, a management system, which will help us get all of our reading and writing work in each week.  The students practiced read to self and I was so proud of them.  They looked like first graders.  Way to go, kindergartners!

Our ipads are here and we have begun to learn how we're going to use them next quarter during our literacy time.

We have an exciting week coming up!  The kindergartners are really looking forward to our Winter Party.

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