Friday, November 30, 2012


We're almost finished with the second round of letter of the day.  This week we worked on S T U V and wrote sentences in our ABC Books using words that begin with those letters. 

In math we worked on shapes and made a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting apples and pumpkins. 

Each kindergartner wrote a page in our class book, We Are Thankful,  and illustrated it.  Everyone will get a turn to bring it home to read to their family. 

As part of our unit on Families, the students drew family portraits and wrote stories about their families.  They are now on display in our kindergarten hallway.

Mrs. Graef read to us and we checked out books from the library.

We look forward to meeting with our buddies on Wednesday when we will do a project related to our December character word, caring.

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