Friday, November 30, 2012


We're almost finished with the second round of letter of the day.  This week we worked on S T U V and wrote sentences in our ABC Books using words that begin with those letters. 

In math we worked on shapes and made a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting apples and pumpkins. 

Each kindergartner wrote a page in our class book, We Are Thankful,  and illustrated it.  Everyone will get a turn to bring it home to read to their family. 

As part of our unit on Families, the students drew family portraits and wrote stories about their families.  They are now on display in our kindergarten hallway.

Mrs. Graef read to us and we checked out books from the library.

We look forward to meeting with our buddies on Wednesday when we will do a project related to our December character word, caring.

Saturday, November 17, 2012





The kindergartners have been very busy this past week working on their Indian costumes for Tuesday's Thanksgiving Feast.  They chose and colored Indian designs for their costumes, made  headbands, and are working on their feathers. They learned how to say good morning in Navajo and can sign several Indian words.   On Monday they will make their necklaces.  They are so excited about all of this.

The students attended an assembly to introduce them to a character program we will be working on.  We will be recognizing their good behavior by announcing their names on Flyer Vision and posting their pictures on our character wall.  If they have been recognized for good behavior they will be allowed to wear a baseball cap to our monthly assemblies because we are "hitting a grand slam for good character." 

On Wednesday we met with our Buddy Class to work on a lesson about PEACE, our character word of the month.  The students brainstormed ideas about they can show peace and wrote them on a poster to be displayed in the third grade hall.

We worked on the letters N O P, math numbers 6-10, and learned more about good character during Mrs. Critchlow's lesson on Thursday.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


The kindergartners donned their red, white, and blue in honor of the men and women of the Armed Forces as we observed Veteran's Day on Friday.  I was so proud of their behavior at our assembly and pleased with their enthusiasm.  Some of them had special guests, family members, who had served.  THANK YOU, VETERANS!



A little rest and relaxation was just what the doctor ordered!  My students came back ready and eager to learn from their four-day weekend.  They were so excited about our "a-thon" week with a new theme each day.  Thanks, parents, for your contributions and support of Cystic Fibrosis.

The kindergartners worked on the letters L & M and are half-way through our second round of letter of the day. 

We continue to focus on numbers 6-10 and next week we'll be working on the number line and concepts before and after.

We finished up our Veteran's Day cards with our buddy class and look forward to meeting with them again on Wednesday (early release day) to work on a project related to our character word of the month, PEACE.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Adopt-a-Family kicks off this week along with our service-learning project to support Cystic Fibrosis.  Beginning on Wednesday we will have a different "a-thon" theme each day.  On Wednesday we are asking each student to bring a favorite book to read and $1.00.  Thursday is PJ-A-Thon where students get to wear their PJs and support the organization with $1.00.  Block-A-Thon is Friday.  We are asking students to bring $1.00 and during their block time they will get to choose which class they want to attend, whether it be art, music, or physical education.  Thank you, parents, for your continued support.


Thank you, parents, for attending parent/teacher conferences this past week.  I enjoyed meeting with you and getting to know more about your children.  I love teaching them and am very pleased with the progress they are making in kindergarten.


The kindergartners were so excited about voting on Friday!  They filled out their voter registration cards and went to their polling place (the library) to vote for the President of the United States.  Prior to that they learned some interesting and historic facts about past presidents.  Check out the book of presidents they brought home on Thursday.


Halloween was so much fun thanks to the great parents who planned and helped out at our party.  WOW! What a great turnout - so many parents willing to help.  My kindergarten parents are the best!


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