Saturday, September 15, 2012


We used all of our senses to experience our world this past week, each day focusing on a different one of our senses.  We played Guess What's in the Smelling Jars, Name the White Powders (just by looking),  Feel and Identify the Shapes (without peeking), Guess the Correct Sound (from a toilet flushing to the roar of the ocean waves), and Take the Taste Test (sour, bitter, salty, sweet).  We celebrated on Friday with a popcorn party. We heard, smelled, saw, touched, and tasted popcorn.  The students saw a model of a real ear, learned some ASL signs, and learned how to decode Happy New Year in Braille.

In language arts we worked on the letters J K L M and their sounds and wrote a color step book and a popcorn book. 

In math we are working on patterns, acting them out, and making them in our math workbook pages.

Our counselor, Mrs. Critchlow, came on Monday for our first lesson.  We look frward to seeing her every third week.

Friday was check-out day in the library and the students love getting their books.

We continue to work on our character word, Respect, everyday.

Next week is I Can Do Anything week.  We will have a talent show in our room on Friday when the students can show off some of their creative abilities.  Some suggested talents are singing, dancing, karate, drawing, writing numbers to 100, and playing a musical instrument.  Anything goes!

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