Wednesday, April 11, 2012


My kindergartners have been very busy writing sentences they compose in their letter of the day booklets.  They are very creative as they write facts about words that begin with that letter.   We have four more letters to finish before we will have completed four rounds of letter of the day.  The kindergartners have become very good writers and enjoy reading their sentences to each other as we begin our day.

They continue to advance in Guided Reading and enjoy working with a partner in Literacy Centers.  Sharing their work is always a very important part of their day.  We have extra reading practice each day as we DEAR (Drop Everything And Read).  They are enjoying this.

We are preparing for Grandparent's Day as we practice our special songs and poems.  The big day is May 4th and information and invitations will be coming home soon.  They are really excited!

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