Sunday, March 17, 2013


Thank you, parents, for sending your child to school dressed like a PE teacher and for donating to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  The kindergartners were very excited as they handed me their one dollar bill and helped me count the money.  In addition to the fundraiser, our buddy class invited us to their room (a school-wide event) for a gym and dance activity to show just how important exercise is to our good health.

The kindergartners have worked very hard these past two weeks during testing and are looking forward to spring break.  Friday is the end of the quarter and a half-day of school.  No lunch will be served on that day.  HAVE A WONDERFUL SPRING BREAK! 

Saturday, March 9, 2013


On Thursday we met with our third grade buddies and worked on a character education project.  Since we missed our last meeting because of a snow day (we didn't mind), we worked on two character words.  We discussed how we can show patience (our March character word) and, as the students gave some very good examples, they wrote these on shamrocks.   Courage was our February character word and, after a good disscussion, they wrote these thoughts on posters. They combined the shamrocks with the posters to make a good-looking display for the third grade hallway.  Thank you, buddies, for a great project.   WE DO LOVE OUR BUDDIES!!!


On Friday we recognized our students who have earned a Grand Slam for good character at our Character Assembly and we all sang our school's character song.  We have been holding fundraisers to help fight Cystic Fibrosis in honor of a Concord student who has the disease.  At our assembly his parents accepted a check to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation from Concord School.  Great work, Concord!

Sunday, March 3, 2013


In honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday, we donned our hand-made Cat in the Hat hats and participated in some fun Dr. Seuss Day activities.  We made rhyming words, read stories, counted feet by twos and did a Cat in the Hat dot-to-dot.  At the end of the day, Dr. Seuss would have been proud as we dropped everything and read (DEAR).  My kindergartners are such good readers!