Thursday, February 21, 2013


Do you recognize your little darling hiding behind the mask?  We thought we were finished celebrating for the week but Alexandria's mom surprised us with Krispy Kremes for her birthday.  Yummy!

Have fun in the snow, kindergartners!

Saturday, February 16, 2013


The kindergartners could hardly wait until Valentines Day and kept asking the big question, "How many more days," all week.  They did a great job addressing and "mailing" their valentines.  Hopefully, they had just as much fun opening them at home.  In math, they enjoyed graphing candy hearts and showed their best manners while enjoying their pink cookies and red Kool-Aid.


We're still celebrating Chinese New Year and will be bringing home our goody bags next week.  The students have been learning about Chinese customs and can say Happy New Year in Chinese.  On Friday, their math lesson was about tangrams, ancient Chinese puzzles.  We read Grandfather Tang's Story and experimented with making a picture using the seven shapes in a tangram.  They learned about the Chinese calendar, the lucky red envelope, and wrote numbers in Chinese.


In conjunction with Presidents' Month, we will be working on coin value and identification.  To observe National Childrens' Dental Health Month, we are going to learn about taking care of our teeth.  Look for a toothbrushing checklist to come home before the end of February. 


The kindergartners continue to advance in Guided Reading and are eager to check which Daily 5 lesson they will be doing that day.  They are loving using ipads for "listen to reading" and "writing."

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Hopefully, your kindergartner brought home the note about addressing valentines.  We will be making valentine mailboxes this week and the students may begin bringing valentines on Monday.  Please have your child bring them before Thursday as it does take time "mailing" them.  Each child has an assigned number and, as the note stated, every valentine should have a number on it.  Including names is optional.  They are really looking forward to the big day when we will have lots of valentine learning activities and snacks.

Chinese New Year, the Year of the Snake, began today and we can't pass up an excuse to celebrate.  The students will use tangrams (ancient Chinese puzzles) in math, learn about Chinese customs, cuisine, and celebrations.  And, of course, a goody bag will be coming home with a few treasures.  Kindergarten is so much fun!!!


In honor of Friendship Week, the kindergartners drew pictures of themselves and a special friend and wrote a story about why that person is special.  Check out their great artwork and creative stories next to the kindergarten doorway.


In anticipation of Presidents' Day, the kindergartners learned a lot about our first president, created his portrait, and wrote stories about his life, including his career in the army, family, horses, pets, and even what he ate for breakfast.  Ask your kindergartner about this.  These awesome portraits and stories will be on display in the kindergarten hallway in time for the big day.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Mr. Groundhog paid an early visit to our classroom on Friday to let us know that we would have an early spring; but we needed one snowfall before winter was over because kids like to play in the snow, throw snowballs, and build snowmen.  We made a groundhog puppet, read some poems, listened to stories, and wrote sentences about him.  WE LOVE GROUNDHOG DAY!