Monday, May 28, 2012

The Morning Message

Dear Class,
          It is the beginning of your summer vacation!  I hope you will have fun with your families and enjoy the sunny days.  You have worked hard in kindergarten and your teacher is very proud of you.  Please continue to read books and write stories over the summer and keep a journal of all the fun things that you do.  I'm already missing you so be sure and come by the kindergarten room next year so I can see how much you have grown.

                                                                                                            Mrs. Hasik

Jori Likes Music!

Zachary Likes Art!

Charlotte Likes Lunchtime!

Peter Likes Recess!

Thomas Likes Recess!

Aden Likes Reading and Writing!

Jake Likes Gym!

Kyle Likes the Smartboard!

Will Likes Art!

Elena Likes Her Friends!

Sophie Likes Her Teacher!

Cora Likes Her Teacher!

Reece Likes Art!

Ally Likes Music!

Owen Likes His Teacher!

Levi Likes Computers!

Estelle Likes Resttime!

Breanna Likes Centertime!

Austin Likes Gym!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Grant's Farm

Thanks to whomever ordered the perfect weather for today.  Maybe it was Sophie's grandpa.  Thanks, parents, for all your help on a fun field trip.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Fun Day


Moms, your amazing children brainstormed a list of words from A-Z  which they thought best describes you.  Hope you like their adorable cards.

A Note of Thanks

I felt very appreciated this week.  Thank, parents, for all the special treats during Teacher Appreciation Week. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gold Medal Winner!

Congratulations, Reece, on winning an Excellence in Art gold medal for your work in Mrs. Goedde's art class.  We're all very proud of you!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Grandparents are Grand!

It couldn't have been more perfect!  What a turnout of grandparents we had at our Grandparent's Day Program.   The kindergartners sang their hearts out for them.  The grandparents really enjoyed the program and were so gracious as their grandkids gave them a special tour of our classroom.  Thanks to my parent helpers and to all the grandparents for making the day so special.