Tuesday, December 20, 2011

We Love Parties!

Thanks to our wonderful parents, the kindergartners enjoyed a fabulous party on the last day before winter break.  They played games, made ornaments, and enjoyed yummy treats provided by all of our terrific Concord kindergarten parents.

Holiday Celebrations

As we approached the holiday season, the kindergartners enjoyed learning about celebrations around the world.  We read stories, learned poems, wrote letters to Santa, and located different countries on our world map.  Sophie's grandma, who visited during our Winter Party, enjoyed listening to her read our Christmas poem.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

We Love Writing!

My kindergartners are becoming excellent writers as they practice their skills writing books and stories in the Writing Center during free choice centertime and in their daily work.  Here is Estelle reading a book she wrote to the class.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sticker Fun

Sticker Fun

The kindergartners celebrated the last round of letter of the day today with stickers.  They decorated their ABC Books with 26 stickers, one for each letter of the alphabet.  They counted by fives as they put them in rows of five and one (uno as they call it) at the bottom.   They sang ABC songs and watched a fun DVD of their sight words.  We'll take a break and begin letter of the day again in January.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Letter of the Day

Today we finished our second round of the letters of the alphabet.  We focused on letter recognition, phonetic sounds, letter formation, high-frequency words, writing sentences, spacing between words, and spelling.  The kindergartners are looking forward to decorating their binders with stickers!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Although the winter season is not officially here, the kindergartners were just thinking ahead (or wishing) and made snowmen on Friday.  In addition to being an art project, we incorporated math as well.  Their circle snowmen's accessories were made of triangles, rectangles, and squares.  They definitely showed a fashion sense as they coordinated colors and designs into the project.  They are currently on display in the kindergarten hallway.